Saturday 6 April 2024

Ladies Time out - 4


I went to bathroom and prepared to get ready. I was nude, she always told me to hide my tool inside my legs and wear a towel around my chests, otherwise, I won't look girly. I asked her, do I need to wear wig while bathing. she told me to keep inners and wig inside as a girl, while coming out, wear wig and then inners and wrap a towel around the chest. I obeyed as she said. She told that, she will keep me a modern dress and I need to wear it. Somehow, I got ready, it was a bit tight. But, somehow managed to wear it. We all got ready. Jenny immediately complimented my looks. I am afraid on seeing her rather than other men, she is showing too much attention to me. 

We went out in a metro train, these girls have a clear cut plan, where to go, how to go, how long it will take and all. We hired a cab and Fatima was driving it, wow I have never seen such a women who drives so perfect. I was getting comfortable while talking with these girls. They asked me, am I shy ? i told that I am not shy, but since they are new, it was shyness. Everyone asked, If I am married, I told yes and they asked about kids. I told, I am staying alone and my husband is working abroad. I will also move to abroad in a while, before that I wanted to enjoy a girly trip. Everyone asked my husband pic, I shared some random uncle pic.

They commented, he doesn't deserve a beauty like you. I told, beauty is not in looks, it is in hearts. They told, he is lucky to have a girl like you in his life. After we reached the destination, we were gossiping a lot of things. I was enjoying their talks. It was late in the evening, we were returning back. Suddenly, some random guys began to tease us. I was getting angry, but I am staying with 4 ladies, so their safety is important, I pushed them and we began to run. But, I was holded very tight, Fatima and Jenny got angry, they began to fight, shocking to know that, they are trained fighters, they somehow safeguarded me from them.

to be continued..... 

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