Saturday 3 June 2023

A Girly Holiday - 2


So, As per the previous part, I will go with the story, how I purchased my wig. I and my aunt are close friends. She used to help me with anything. Yet, I am not that comfortable with my aunt to tell about my feminine side. But, I know that I can make use of her for purchasing long hair wig. I was planning to make use of her for purchasing wig. I remember her purchasing wig for her daughter recently in one of the wedding. So, I decided to start with that.

I messaged her and asked her if she has the pics of that wedding. She shared the pic, where her daughter Yamini was having a long hair. I asked her, how come Yamini was able to grow such a long hair at an young age of 8. She replied me saying that, it was not a original hair. It is a hair wig, that I had purchased for Yamini. She always wanted to grow long hair, but used to get a lot of sweat, so we used to give her a short hair cut. But, she feels very bad in functions, with that short hair, so we purchased her that wig.

I told her it looks great on her. I told her that, I too want one wig like that. She was shocked on it. Actually I blabbered to her. But, I somehow managed to her saying that, I want means, I want to give it to my colleague. She asked me why ? I told her that, me and my friends are planning to make a short film. We searched for the female lead, we were not able to find a suitable person. Finally, we got a person named Vijaya, who agreed to play the role.

But, there was a problem with her. She is a modern girl, who has a similar kind of hair cut done by Yamini. But, the heroine needs to have a long hair and she is a traditional girl with long hair. So, I thought that asking her to wear wig will workout. She did not question me further. She purchased the wig and asked me to come and collect. I told her not to reveal this to my mom. She asked me why, I told that, she will not like this short film and stuffs. She agreed to it. I kept that secretly in my bag and visited to Bangalore.

Now, let us get back into the original story of how, I enjoyed being girly in those holidays in the next part.

To Be continued.....

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